Tuesday, July 3, 2012


*This post will contain no shade but instead a shit ton of delusion, be warned*

Super Junior are a powerful group in Korea. They are super sexy and always seem to engage everyone back to their reign and "Sexy Free and Single" isn't an exception. The instrumental is fucking insane, the auto tune is fucking insane, my future husband Siwon is fucking flawless and I want more more more!

This is "Sorry Sorry (2012 Version)" if you ask many but I still think it's fucking flawless. The hook is probably the most catchy out of all the four "Sorry Sorry" sound-alikes, also Siwon, sounds so sexy in this! 

The music video could have used a shirtless scene or twenty from Siwon, but SM keeps trying to make us wait for Siwon's solo debut... I'll play along.

It's really funny, I'm really bad at recognizing Korean group's individual voices but Siwon for some reason, I can spot him, even if he's a faded background vocal... Siwon >>>>Adele, tbh.

It's funny how some of their album tracks are stronger than their title tracks... "Gulliver" = LOVE!

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