Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The new Kings of Japan have unleashed the full PV / MV for their flawless new single "1000 Years..." and it's so beautiful, like so beautiful the only other word that comes to mind is super beautiful. It's about some hospital patient and SHINee are like some angels or some shit and there's a flying bus and a lot of sad scenes and a lot of tears (mainly coming from my eyes, because I got a little teary)

The video has a long, yet, impeccable intro where you see the boys waiting for a bus, yes, a bus, can your fave wait for a bus as flawless as the new Kings of Japan?!? Don't think so bitch. 

The scenes in the hospital are so sad though. I hate seeing little kids in pain and in hospitals. It reminds me of the Xmas I had to spend in the hospital and it just brings too many sad memories back to life. The flashback scenes only make the sadness worst. It's so sad yet so cute to see his dad's ghost still look after him and be there. I have daddy issues ok, so whenever I see a great dad it makes me cry.

Ok enough about my rough childhood, the song is not as great as the video which is surprising. SHINee usually deliver some great mid-tempos (JoJo, etc) but I'm not loving this song as much as I thought I would. Maybe it's beacause I just got used to "Dazzling Girl" and it's too soon for me. 

Anyway, watch and listen their new single below.

*Secret time bitches: I didn't realize he was supposed to be a ghost until I watch the video again when I started writing this blog post but I bet you I made it sound like I knew it from the beginning, cuz that's what I do, I make shit happen.

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